One Old Guy Extending a hand for help.
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A bunch of things come to mind.

Lately I've been enjoying some emails with a man who seems very similar to myself who lives in New Zealand, and even though contact has been limited to less than a dozen emails - the similarities in our situations are quite amazing to me.

He and I have suffered many similar problems by around the same ages and ended up in very much the same situations (except that he can stay where he is right now and I cannot).

He lives alone in a camper and it gets chilly in the winters there; there's only so much he can do as results of illnesses past and present - and oddest of all, those illnesses are very much like those I am coping with.

There has been mention of some sorts of deliberate communities which are as self-supporting as possible, and maybe finding one somewhere around here.

Other things have also caught my attention, like the idea of a free internet domain and site, and mention someplace of seeking help via the internet as well.

Put all that together and here is that free web site, made with the help of a site builder software offered by the free hosting at .

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